Sunday, October 31, 2010

Cheesy Halloween Jokes!

Why do witches use brooms to fly on? Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy.
Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? No, they eat their fingers separately.
Why don't skeletons ever go out of town? Because they don't have any body to go with.
What did one ghost say to the other ghost? Do you believe in people?
What do you call someone who puts poison in another person's corn flakes? A cereal killer.
What kind of streets do zombies like the best? Dead ends.
What is a vampires favorite mode of transportation? A blood vessel.
What do skeletons say before they begin dining? Bone appetite!
What do you call a fat Jack-o-Lantern? A plumpkin.
What was the favorite game at the ghosts' birthday party? Hide and shriek!
Did you hear what happened to the boy and girl vampires? They loved in vein.
Why do mummies make good employees? They get all wrapped up in their work.
Why are their fences around cemeteries? Because there are people dying to get in.
What has webbed feet, feathers, fangs and goes quack-quack? Count Duckula.

Be sure to tell these to your friends on Halloween!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

State Flowers

I know this is not Halloweeny, but it is pretty cool to see your state flower.

Halloween Pumpkins

Here are some pumpkins people carved. They are definitely bonified pumpkin material.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

JOD of October 28

There is a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead. They are on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. A hundred yards away is another island and it has a tree with bananas on it. Wanting to reach that tree, the brunette jumps in and starts to swim towards it. She gets a fourth of the way, but gives up and drowns. The redhead jumps in and starts to swim. She gets a third of the way, gives up and drowns. The blonde jumps in, swims half of the way, but gets tired, so she swims back.


It really is the end...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I guess you won't be on time for your very important meeting.

JOD of October 26

There is a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead. And they are all running away from the police. They come across three barrels, so the brunette jumps in one, the redhead jumps in one, and the blonde jumps in one. The policemen arrive and find the first barrel. They are about to look inside when they hear, "Meow. Meow."
"Oh, it's just a barrel of kittens," they say, and move onto the next one.
"Woof woof," says the redhead.
"Oh, it's just a barrel of puppies," they shrug. They go to the last one with the blonde, and they hear:
"Potatoes. Potatoes."

Monday, October 25, 2010

Deer Hunting

Why you shouldn't take your wife dear hunting....
P.S. we are still trying to figure out how to put actual videos on here instead of the link. As you see, we are not technologically advanced yet.

Funny Signs

Here's a picture that shows that some machines are just not happy when they are expected to answer your questions:

JOD of October 25

There is an Irishman, Mexican, and an American. They are construction workers working on a tall skyscraper. One day they were eating lunch on the steel skeleton, and the Irishman sighed.
"Potatoes again? If I have to eat one more potato for lunch, I'm going to jump of this building and die!" he said angrily.
"Me too!" agrees the Mexican. "If I get one more taco for lunch, I'm going to jump off this building and die."
The American agrees. "Yeah. If I get one more baloney sandwich, I'll jump with you guys off this building and die!"
So the three agree. The next day, they all get what they don't want and jumped off that tower. They all died. At the funeral, all the wives were crying and sobbing.
"Oh, if only I knew he didn't like potatoes!" cried the Irishman's wife.
"Oh, if only I knew he didn't like tacos!" sobbed the Mexican's wife.
The American's wife sighed.
"Why aren't you crying?" the other wives asked her.
She rolled her eyes. "He makes his own lunches."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Corn Mazes

For future reference, blondes are not dumb. I have sisters who are blonde and they are in fact smarter than me (I'm a brunette). The jokes are funny. And here is a funny picture.

JOD (Joke of the Day)

A blonde walks into a appliance store and asks the clerk if she could buy the T.V.
"Sorry, I don't sell to blondes," he says.
So the blonde left, bought a brown wig, and went back. "I want to buy that T.V.," she says.
"Sorry, I don't sell to blondes," he says.
So the blonde left again, dyed her hair red, and went back.
"I want to buy that T.V.," she said again.
"Sorry, I don't sell to blondes," the clerk said again.
So the blonde, angry, went out and shaved her head. She came back and asked for the T.V. again.
"Sorry, I don't sell to blondes."
"How do you know I'm blonde?" yells the blonde.
"Because that's not a T.V. Thats a microwave."

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Mizzle has come back to the blog! Sorry about my loss. I know everyone missed me so much they cried. Obviously!
Okay so heres why I was gone...
  • I have work, just like you.
  • I eat food, just like you
  • I get busy, just like you
  • AND I have secret missions, just like Rizzle
You see Rizzle and I are secretly part of a secret organization called STUDMUFFIN. Yes Secret Telekinesis Union for the Daring Mineral, Undulating Free Form Incredible Narratives. Yeah we're secret agents. Just don't tell anyone.

Well now I'm back go tell your friends that Mizzle is back because you know I'm your favorite. Well have a nice day!

October 23rds Joke of the Day!

Why are Africa and South America not together?
ANSWER: Because they broke up.