Friday, March 6, 2009

The First Post EVA!!

Mizzle: Hi this is Mizzle and Rizzle!! Aka Steak and Bacon. No offense to vegatarians.
Rizzle: This is our first post ever!! This blog is for special uses. Thing we like. A lot. A very lot.
Mizzle: um ya so Rizzle is a little crazy. so sorry about her...
Rizzle: She SUPPOSEDLY see's sense. Yet all I see is her reading random books about flying pegasuses. JK!
Mizzle: Thanks for proving my point. Any way this blog is about posting thing that we think are funny. sooo
Rizzle: This is our first thing that we think is funny and YOU should see. Hopes you likes it!
Please Visit this Website or else. Look on side for video.

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