Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Cullen Song

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSoFoGv5_iI&feature=related The Cullen Song is to the tune of the llama song so it's REALLY fast just fyi ;).

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday Night Live

Saturday Night Live has some darn funny vids!
Just go to hulu.com and search Saturday Night Live.
As always
Mizzle (lol)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Twilight Before Christmas

This is another funny twilight parody!


Que Hora Es?

This is RIZZLE and I am going to give you this funny video called QUE HORA ES?! It is about people who can only speak 3 weeks of Spanish, so you gotta know some Spanish to get it! Here is number one.....check:


and numero dos (number two!):


I hope you like it!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Twilight Parodies

Twilight has a lot of parodies some are funny some aren't. I'm giving you the best one of all beside Dimlight (see side bar). So here it is!

These are my favorite (except dimlight)
if anyone else finds some please tell use by comment!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Help Save The Planet!

Help save the planet by using this!


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Movies I would Love to see!

From now on we won't have the weird Rizzle Mizzle thing we did for our first post it will just be the publisher speaking.

Ok guys I am so excited for this movie to come out!!
Also this looks good ,too.
I really wish I knew when these were coming out sorry.

Friday, March 6, 2009

The First Post EVA!!

Mizzle: Hi this is Mizzle and Rizzle!! Aka Steak and Bacon. No offense to vegatarians.
Rizzle: This is our first post ever!! This blog is for special uses. Thing we like. A lot. A very lot.
Mizzle: um ya so Rizzle is a little crazy. so sorry about her...
Rizzle: She SUPPOSEDLY see's sense. Yet all I see is her reading random books about flying pegasuses. JK!
Mizzle: Thanks for proving my point. Any way this blog is about posting thing that we think are funny. sooo
Rizzle: This is our first thing that we think is funny and YOU should see. Hopes you likes it!
Please Visit this Website or else. Look on side for video.